Understanding Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)
V2X enables data sharing and cooperation to road users and the infrastructure that is reshaping the way we use
roads. From other vehicles and pedestrians to the traffic signals and more, V2X means your vehicle can talk to them
all, sharing location, speed and so on.
When used in intelligent transport systems such
as the smart city concept, the sharing of
this data can improve overall safety for all road users and allow for better traffic flows, reducing congestion and
making the driving experience less frustrating and more enjoyable.
What Does V2X Mean?
Vehicle-to-Everything, or V2X, is a technology that means that your car can share data with everything around it.
For instance, if you get stuck behind a road accident, your vehicle can warn other vehicles to avoid the area. Or it
could tell the traffic lights ahead you are getting close, so they can change to let you through if there is nothing
going the other way.
In essence, V2X means connecting cars to everything
else around them to improve safety, reduce congestion and make your driving experience better.
How Does V2X Communication Work?
Being able to connect to so many other devices means using a number of wireless technologies, including cellular networks , Wi-Fi and dedicated Short Range
Communications, or DSRC. These are used to provide real-time data
exchanges with these devices and systems, so that you can send and receive critical information about road
conditions, traffic patterns, and potential hazards as you move along your journey.
This lets you make better choices as a driver, helping you to avoid areas of congestion, makes the roads safer and
is a key technology in enhancing the performance of automated driving systems. This is how it can work to make your
life easier:
Imagine you're driving through a busy city intersection.
Your car gets a signal from a pedestrian's smartphone warning that they're about to cross right in front
of you, even though they're still out of sight. At the same time, the traffic light ahead sends a
message that it's turning red in five seconds.
Your car will warn you to slow down for the pedestrian and the upcoming red light, creating a safer
experience for all.
In this scenario, you are on the highway with limited visibility due to heavy fog.
Your vehicle receives alerts from cars ahead, reporting a sudden traffic slowdown due to an accident you
can't yet see.
Armed with this information, your car suggests reducing speed well in advance, helping you avoid a
pile-up and maintain a safe distance from the incident ahead.
Pros and Cons of V2X
Enhanced Road Safety — Because vehicles can share current road conditions and potential
dangers in real time, V2X makes the roads a safer place to be.
Traffic Efficiency — V2X technology helps you enjoy less congested roads thanks to
better traffic management.
Sustainability — If your car is not stuck in traffic jams as often, it uses less fuel,
and so does everyone else’s. You get less emissions too.
Autonomous Driving — With detailed data to work with, V2X helps autonomous vehicles to
perform better.
Implementation Costs — V2X requires technology installations in all vehicles and
infrastructure, meaning additional costs.
Compatibility — For everything to work seamlessly, all manufacturers of vehicles and
infrastructure must adopt the same standards everywhere in the world.
Security — Sharing key data about vehicle use, including location, could be used for
other means if system security is compromised.
Technology Adoption — For V2X to achieve its aims, it must be adopted as widely as
possible, both with vehicles themselves as well as pedestrians and infrastructure.
What is Included in V2X Technology?
A key aspect of the smart city projects to
make the urban environment safer, sustainable and more efficient, V2X
uses technology to communicate with everything relevant to road use. It is also an important technology for other
innovations such as vehicle telematics , providing
real-time performance and vehicle health
data during a journey to help fleet managers and
vehicle owners better manage their cars.
Taking this to the next level, intelligent cars can add new levels of autonomy thanks to V2X providing essential
information about their environment, and is a considerable step along the way to fully autonomous vehicles on our
roads in the smart mobility initiative.
To achieve all this, V2X is comprised of a number of technologies, including:
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V ) : This
enables your vehicle to connect directly with other vehicles around it to share data.
Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I ) : With this technology
your vehicle can share data with smart traffic lights, road signs and more to improve traffic flow.
Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P ) : Keep
all road users safer, even pedestrians, by sharing vehicle locations, speed and so on, so they can avoid
vehicles even before they can see them.
Vehicle-to-Network (V2N ) : Allows
your vehicle to connect to cellular networks and receive cloud-based services such as traffic information,
weather warnings and so on.
V2X technology connects road users and the road system itself to create something new. Now, you face a future when
your vehicle isn’t something you drive, but instead, it is part of an intelligent transport system that takes
you to where you need to be.
From smart cities to safer roads, a better driving experience to improved telematics driven oversight, V2X is designed to make
using the roads a safer, less frustrating experience, and it is set to do all that, and so much more.